Starptautiskās tiesas ēka, Hāgā
Starptautiskā tiesa, Hāgā /

2025. gada 29. martā – 5. aprīlī notiks starptautiskās tiesību zinātņu studentu sacensības starptautiskajās publiskajās tiesībās Jessup International Law Moot Court Competition. Latvijas Universitātes Juridiskās fakultātes komandas ir pārstāvējušas Latviju šajās sacensībās jau kopš 2003.gada.

  • Ja Jums interesē starptautiskās publiskās tiesības,
  • Ja Jūs vēlaties iegūt unikālu studiju pieredzi,
  • Ja vēlaties savu CV papildināt ar ierakstu, kurš atstās iespaidu uz visprestižāko ārvalstu juridisko augstskolu uzņemšanas komisijām,
  • Ja analītisks prāts un labas darba spējas ir Jūsu stiprā puse,
  • Ja spējat labi gan runāt, gan rakstīt angļu valodā,
  • Ja seši kredītpunkti (deviņi ECTS) B daļas priekšmetā „Starptautiskā justīcija” Jums nebūtu lieki -

piesakieties konkursā uz vietu Latvijas Universitātes Juridiskās fakultātes komandā!

Komandas atlase notiks gan rakstiskajā, gan mutiskajā kārtā. Lūdzu interesentus pieteikties līdz šī gada 22 .jūlijam. Pieteikšanās secībā arī tiks piešķirtas atlases vajadzībām lomas – pieteicējs vai atbildētājs. Saņemot ziņu, ka jūsu pieteikums atlasei ir reģistrēts, jūs saņemsiet arī norādi uz pārstāvamo pozīciju. Pieteikumus un vēlāk arī savus rakstiskos darbus lūdzu sūtīt uz

Pieteikumu rakstiskā daļa, aizstāvot izlozēto pozīciju (pieteicējas vai atbildētājas valsts), jāiesūta līdz šī gada 16.augustam. Atlases mutiskā daļa noritēs 26.augusta vakara pusē, rēķinoties ar pretendentu un atlases tiesnešu darba laiku. Precīzs atlases laiks un vieta tiks noteikts 25.augusta vakarā. Mutiskā atlase var izpausties gan kā savstarpēja pretendentu izspēle, gan kā intervija. Protams, viss angļu valodā.

Šobrīd International Law Studens Association ir nākamā gada sacensību kāzusa problemātiku definējusi īsi: “The Jessup 2025 Problem will present the following issues: (1) the rights and obligations of other members of the international community when two persons claim to be the legitimate president of a state; (2) invocation of immunity for government officials accused of grave violations of human rights; (3) the legal consequences of receding coastlines for the maritime zones of coastal states; and (4) the interpretation of the compromissory clause in a treaty creating a regional organization”

Tā kā paša sacensību kāzusa publiskošana tiek solīta vien 16.septembrī, komandas atlases vajadzībām tiks lietots sekojošs kāzuss.


The Case concerning the Belarus Air Force One

On 15 July 2024, the plain of the president of the Republic of Belarus Aleksandr Lukashenko on an flight to official visit to the Republic of Iceland – Belarus Air Force 1 (BAF1), crossed the territory of Latvia, without permission from the Latvian authorities, and was intercepted by North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) jet fighters (German, based at Lielvarde airfield in Latvia) already over the territorial sea of the west coast of Latvia. NATO fighters made BAF1 land at Liepaja airfield, Latvian authorities detained Mr.Lukashenko and accused him of crimes against humanity for mass human rights violations after the 2020 presidential elections in Belarus and crimes against peace after the 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine from Belarusian territory.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Belarus immediately claimed the acts of the Latvian and NATO authorities as grave violations of international law and demanded the release of BAF1 and the president of Belarus. In the Note Verbale of Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Belarus it was argued that at the moment of interception BAF1 was already 12 nautical miles away from Latvia’s west coast because a couple of days before the storm in the region had ruined great part of Latvia’s west coast, so the 12 nautical miles of Latvian territory did not extend to the place where BAF1 was intercepted.

Unable to resolve their differences by diplomatic means, both states – Belarus and Latvia – agreed to submit the case to the International Court of Justice (the Court), with the Latvian government reserving the right to dispute the jurisdiction of the Court.

The Republic of Belarus, as Applicant, respectfully requests the Court to adjudge and declare that:

  1. The president of Belarus, His Excellency Mr.Aleksandr Lukashenko enjoys full and absolute immunity from the jurisdiction of the Respondent;
  2. The above-mentioned immunity shall also extend in respect of crimes against humanity and crimes against the peace if such crimes were to be committed;
  3. Even if the Court dismisses former claims of the Applicant, the BAF1 was illegally intercepted in the territory outside the jurisdiction of the Respondent.

The Republic of Latvia, as Respondent, respectfully requests the Court to adjudge and declare that:

  1. The results of the presidential elections in Belarus in 2020 have been falsified to the extent that Mr.Lukashenko has not been elected as president, instead Latvia recognises Mrs.Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya as the president of the Republic of Belarus, thus Mr.Lukashenko does not enjoy any immunity from the jurisdiction of the Republic of Latvia;
  2. Even if the Court decides that Mr.Lukashenko is the President of Belarus, he shall not be entitled to the immunity in respect of the jurisdiction of the Republic of Latvia in respect of such kind of crimes as crimes against humanity and crimes against peace;
  3. Not denying the physical consequences of the storm of July 2024, it has no legal effect and does not change the existing maritime boundaries of the Republic of Latvia.


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