To promote students' knowledge of human rights and foster the interest of future professionals in this field of law, with the hope that some of these young people will choose human rights as their professional specialization, in May 2016, the Ombudsman of the Republic of Latvia for the first time invited students to participate in a court trial simulation on human rights. The first competition involved eight teams representing the University of Latvia, Daugavpils University, the Latvian Business College, and the State Police College. The winner of the simulation was a student from the University of Latvia's Faculty of Law.
Currently, the Ombudsman’s Office has established the simulation as an annual tradition.
In 2024, the Ombudsman’s court trial simulation on human rights was won by the University of Latvia team "In custodia lustitiae" (Evija Velvele, Ņikita Paņins). The winners received the opportunity to participate in the European Law Students' Association (ELSA) Summer School at Zadar University in Croatia, where various human rights topics will be covered. As part of their prize, the winners also received a subscription to the "Jurista Vārds" magazine.
Special mention should also be made of the recipients of awards in specific categories. The prize for "Best Written Work" went to the University of Latvia team "Viss skaidrs" (Annija Ruško, Loreta Čabovska, Sanija Beatrise Barinska).
In 2023, the Ombudsman’s court trial simulation on human rights was won by the 2nd-year undergraduate student team "Otrais dubls" from the University of Latvia's Faculty of Law (Vanesa Vīndedze, Hannelora Voiciša, and Ādams Vizulis). In the final, the University of Latvia team competed against the "Trīs musketieri" team from the Faculty of Law at Riga Stradiņš University.
In 2022, the Ombudsman’s court trial simulation on human rights was won by the University of Latvia's Faculty of Law team "Sapere aude" (members Viktorija Gilberte, Alise Gailīte, and Terēza Vāgentroca). The team received the opportunity to participate in the European Law Students' Association (ELSA) Summer School at Zadar University in Croatia, where various topics related to human rights and globalization will be covered.
In the 2018 simulation, the winners were University of Latvia's Faculty of Law students Kristīne Sikora, Anete Suharževska, and Artūrs Valters Freibergs. In the judges' view, the team had also prepared the Best Written Work, and its representative Kristīne Sikora was recognized as the Best Orator of the competition. The author of the best quote from the trial simulation was the team's captain, Artūrs Valters Freibergs.
The finalists of the simulation also chose the Best Judge, and this year the nomination went to Ilze Tralmaka, a representative of the Legal Bureau of the Saeima.
Information about the students' achievements was published on the Ombudsman’s website.
In the 2017 simulation, the winners were University of Latvia’s Faculty of Law students Agnese Kapeniece and Kristers Losāns.
In the judges’ evaluation, the Best Written Work was submitted by the runners-up – University of Latvia students Monta Krone, Kristiāna Bernāne, and Emīls Jonins. Monta Krone was also recognized as the Best Orator.
Continuing the tradition, the finalists nominated the Best Judge – Kristīne Līcis, a representative of Latvia in international human rights institutions.
Information about the students' achievements was published on the Ombudsman’s website.
In the first Ombudsman simulation in 2016, the winner was University of Latvia's Faculty of Law student Inita Čīma.
In the judges' evaluation, the Best Written Work was submitted by the runners-up – University of Latvia students Monta Krone, Kristiāna Bernāne, and Maija Laure. Monta Krone was also recognized as the Best Orator.
The finalists were given the opportunity to nominate the winner of the "Best Judge" category, which was awarded to Ineta Ziemele, a graduate of the University of Latvia's Faculty of Law and a judge of the Constitutional Court.
Information about the students' achievements was published in the "Jurista Vārds" magazine on May 12, 2016.