The goal of this project is to prepare a Latvian Cultural Heritage Law Dictionary, which will provide explanations for more than forty legal terms related to cultural heritage. The Dictionary of Cultural Heritage Law is being prepared in two versions: 1) in Latvian as an independent scientific publication and 2) in French as part of an upcoming international dictionary of cultural heritage law, developed in cooperation with international colleagues.
The International Dictionary edition will feature explanations of legal terms from ten European countries. In addition to a selection of terms, introductions to the history of cultural heritage law in each country are being prepared, alongside comparative chapters on the differences between national laws in term usage. The scientific editors of the International Comparative Dictionary of the Law of Cultural Heritage include Dr. Marie Corny, Dr. Catherine Valera, Prof. Jerome Froomeau, Dr. Vincent Negri (France), Prof. Manlio Frigo (Italy), and Prof. Marc-André Renold (Switzerland).
The project is a collaboration between the UNESCO Chair of Intangible Cultural Heritage Policy and Law at the Latvian Academy of Culture and the University of Latvia, Faculty of Law, in partnership with the platform.
The preparation of the Latvian Dictionary of Cultural Heritage Rights has been supported by the State Culture Capital Foundation through creative work grants for the dictionary authors. The project also features an advisory board in Latvia, composed of field experts, including academic staff from the Faculty of Law at the University of Latvia.

Project Title: Strengthening Consumer Protection in the Digital and Data Era: Implementation of the New Consumer Purchase Directives in the Latvian Legal System Project Leader: V. Mantrovs
Project Implementation Period: 01.12.2020-31.12.2021
The objective of this applied research project is to facilitate the implementation of the new European Union (EU) Consumer Sales Directives in the Latvian legal system by providing an initial assessment of the draft law related to these Directives. The topicality of this project is related to 2 considerations. On the one hand, the correct implementation of these Directives within the Latvian legal system is paramount due to their aim to ensure a high level of consumer safety and rights protection, as well as the safeguarding of consumers’ personal data within digital contracts, promoting the Digital Single Market. Secondly, a recognised issue within Latvian legislation pertains to the lack of initial draft law assessments. This project aims to address both concerns by undertaking an ex ante scientific assessment of the draft law using an interdisciplinary approach, systematically examining aspects of contract law, consumer protection, and data protection. This approach will help assess whether the draft law includes appropriate, effective and sustainable solutions for the protection of consumer safety and rights within the Latvian context.
The project involves law scholars and students from the Faculty of Law, with outputs including a draft law development report and commentary, one publication submitted to an indexed journal, six conference reports, three conference papers, and three popular science articles.
Project Title:
Learn in Your Own Language: Multilingual Transnational Training in EU Civil and Commercial Law (TRAIL)
Project Implementation Period: 01/05/2020 - 31/12/2021
The aim of the project is to increase the participation of attorneys, notaries, and bailiffs in European Union (EU) private international law training by removing language barriers. The project is being implemented in five EU Member States, including Latvia, with the University of Latvia participating as a project partner, representing Latvia.
Learn in Your Own Language: Multilingual Cross-Border Training in EU Civil and Commercial Law
National Monographs Project
The aim of the project by the Institute of Legal Science at the Faculty of Law is to contribute to the preparation of national monographs for the International Law Encyclopaedia project, led by the University of Leuven (Belgium). The national monographs are prepared in English and published by Wolters Kluwer, an internationally renowned academic publisher. The monographs are released in electronic form and, in some cases, as printed books.
The national monographs published so far under this project are:
- Insurance Law in Latvia (2018, more information here)
- Property and Trust Law in Latvia (2020, more information here)
- Contract Law in Latvia (2020, more information here)
European Commission Justice Programme (2014-2020)
Project Title:
Capacity Building and Awareness Raising to Prevent and Combat Intolerance in Latvia (CALDER)
Project Duration: 01/02/2021 - 31/01/2023 (24 months)
The project aims to strengthen the capacity of three key law enforcement institutions (the State Police, the Judicial Administration, and the Prosecutor’s Office - police officers, prosecutors, and judges) and two other key stakeholders (the University of Latvia and the Society Integration Foundation) to improve measures and activities to prevent and combat racism, xenophobia, and other forms of intolerance.
Project Partners: The University of Latvia (lead partner), the Society Integration Foundation, the State Police, the Prosecutor’s Office of the Republic of Latvia, and the Judicial Administration
Guidelines for Identifying Hate Crime and Hate Speech
Study on Money Consumption and Money Usage
Project Leader: Assoc. Prof. Dr. K. Dupate

European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), Measure, Specific Support Objective, Postdoctoral Research Support, Round 3 (Project No
Project Title: Framework and Implementation Challenges and Best Practices for Effective Maritime Spatial Planning in the Baltic Sea Context (
Postdoctoral Fellow: Dr. L.Neimane
Project Implementation Period: 01/05/2020 - 30/04/2023
The scientific objective of this industrial research is to ensure transparency of the legal environment by facilitating the implementation of effective Baltic Sea Spatial Planning in accordance with its legal framework in everyday practice for legal enforcers, industry, and spatial planners. The research will ensure that the principles of sustainability, efficiency, and good governance of MSP are respected. Firstly, the study will analyse marine spatial planning plans, their evolution, as well as the national legal frameworks for permitting and licensing procedures in the Baltic Sea coastal states. Secondly, empirical data will be collected, and in-depth interviews will be conducted and analysed. Thirdly, the study will illustrate the permit and licensing procedures and develop model documents and best practice cases for illustration and training purposes. The study will highlight the main challenges, risks, and constraints to the implementation of maritime spatial planning.
The project involves foreign universities (University of Tartu, Vilnius University, and Klaipėda University) and private partners (Grupa93 Ltd and OÜ Hendrikson & Ko).
Project outputs: A practical handbook on marine spatial planning and related legislation for practitioners, industry, and spatial planners; three publications submitted to an indexed journal, including one with a citation index 50% above the industry average; six conference reports; three conference papers; publicity events, including three popular science articles and three public lectures or similar events.

Project Title: Critical Understanding of Predictive Policing (CUPP)
Source of Funding: International research project (No. 100786) funded by the Nordic Council of Ministers’ organisation NordForsk and coordinated by the Ministry of Education and Science in Latvia.
Project Implementation Period: 01/02/2021 - 31/01/2024
Project Partners:
- IT University of Copenhagen - Project Coordinator
- University of Latvia (LU)
- Baltic Studies Centre Foundation
- University of Oslo
- University of St Andrews
- Tallinn University of Technology
- PROSA, the Danish IT Professionals Association
Project Leader LU: Dr. Irēna Ņesterova (
The aim of the project is to analyse the digital transformation in law enforcement, focusing on the use of digital solutions, artificial intelligence, and other new technologies, big data, and predictive analytics in policing, along with their social, ethical, and legal challenges.
The CUPP research project involves research institutions from Latvia, Denmark, the United Kingdom, Estonia, and Norway. In all participating countries, issues related to the digitisation of the public sector are central to policy-making.
More about the project can be found here.
**Project Title:** A Fair Balance Between Privacy and Security in Cyberspace: Building Strong Data Protection Standards in Europe
**Source of Funding:** ERDF Specific Support Objective Measure “Postdoctoral Research Support” Project (No., which is implemented and monitored by the State Education and Development Agency
**Project Partner:** University of Tartu
**Project Leader and Postdoctoral Fellow:** Dr. Irēna Ņesterova
**Project Implementation Period:** 01/04/2018 - 31/03/2021
The project explores the interplay between privacy and security, and the impact on data protection rights, with a particular focus on AI mass surveillance measures. It identifies key challenges in EU and national data protection regulation and practice, and makes proposals for improvement.