The article “Implementing the EU MSP Directive: Current Status and Lessons Learned in 22 EU Member States” has been published in the journal Marine Policy. Among its co-authors is Dr.iur. Leila Neimane, a researcher at the Institute of Legal Science at the University of Latvia Faculty of Law.

The article, developed in collaboration with researchers from Belgium, Bulgaria, France, Croatia, Italy, Lithuania, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Spain, and Germany, analyzes the experiences and challenges faced by EU coastal states in implementing the Maritime Spatial Planning Directive. It focuses on the impact of climate change, ecosystem-based approaches, and social aspects.

The article is published in Marine Policy, an internationally recognized journal indexed in Web of Science and Scopus, with an Impact Factor of 3.5 and a CiteScore of 7.6 in 2023.

The article is available in open access.
