University teacher

Mg. iur. Kalvis Engīzers

Courses: Theory of Law; Problematic Issues in Theory of Law, Philosophy of Law, and Latvian Legal History ; Problematic Issues in Theory of Law, Philosophy of Law, Sociology of Law, and Latvian Legal History

Consultation times available here.

Research interests:

Sources of law, legisprudence, LGBTQ+ rights

Professional experience and achievements:

Advisor to the Minister of Justice of the Republic of Latvia (2023-present)


  • Engīzers K. Reģistrētas partnerības ieviešana Latvijā [Introduction of Registered Partnerships in Latvia]. Jurista Vārds, 2023, Nr. 49, 10.-12. lpp.
  • Engīzers K. Absolūti aizliegumi un vienlīdzība [Blanket Bans and Equality]. Jurista Vārds, 2023, Nr. 20, 13.-17. lpp.
  • Engīzers K. Labas likumdošanas principa ģenēze Latvijas tiesiskajā sistēmā [The Genesis of the Principle of Good Legislation in the Latvian Legal System]. Jurista Vārds, 2021, 56.-60. lpp.
  • Engīzers K., Meļņika M. Defining the Modern Family: The Latvian Constitutional Court, the Definition of “Family”, and Parliamentary Bitterness, VerfBlog, 2021. Pieejams: