Courses: Legal Ethics; Research Methodology; The Genesis and Evolution of the Concept of the Rule of Law.
Consultation times available here.
Research interests:
Doctoral dissertation topic: Implementation of Electronic Case Processing in Latvia: Efficiency and Dialogue Discourse, enrolled in the University of Latvia Faculty of Law doctoral program in 2021.
Professional experience and achievements:
- Law firm “SORAINEN,” Lawyer (2023-present);
- Law firm “Vilgerts” (2021-2023);
- Riga Administrative Court (2019-2021).
- Adamoviča D. Tiesu varas jēdziens leģitimācijas kontekstā. Tiesības un tiesiskā vide mainīgos apstākļos. Proceedings of the 79th International Scientific Conference of the University of Latvia. Riga: The University of Latvia press, 2021, p. 349-356.