Associate professor

Dr. iur. Irēna Kucina

Courses: "European Union private international law and international civil procedure", "Current issues of private international law in application in practice", "Private international law. Learning about conflict norms"

Consultation times available here.

Research areas:

International private law, international civil procedure, cross-border civil, commercial and family cases, civil aspects of cross-border child abduction.

Professional experience and achievements:

  • Judge of the Constitutional Court (since 2021)
  • Representative of the Republic of Latvia at the European Court of Justice (2016 - 2019)
  • Member of the Board of Trustees of the European Academy of Law (ERA) (2016 - 2022)
  • Deputy State Secretary for Judicial Affairs of the Ministry of Justice (2014 - 2019)
  • Deputy Head of the Office of the President - Head of the Office of the President's Advisors, Advisor to the President on Rule of Law and European Union Law (2019 - 2021)
  • Awarded with the II degree badge of honor of the Justice System


  • Kucina I. Bērnu pārrobežu nolaupīšanas civiltiesiskie aspekti: bērns starp vecākiem un valstīm [Civil Aspects of Cross-Border Child Abduction: The Child Between Parents and States]. Rīga: Tiesu namu aģentūra, 2020, 432 lpp. ISBN NR. 978-9934-508-84-4.
  • Kucina I. Polish Constitutional Tribunal’s  judgement regarding supremacy of the Polish constitution over EU law: the next-level debate on the “last word’’. „Journal of the University of Latvia. Law”, Vol. 15 (2022)
  • Kucina I. The Challenges of Digitalization in the Judicial System. “Socrates” , 2022, Nr. 2 (23).
  • Kucina I. “Privātuma un vārda brīvības apdraudējumi digitālajā komunikācijā un Eiropas Savienības jaunie priekšlikumi par lielo tiešsaistes platformu regulēšanu” [Threats to privacy and freedom of expression in digital communication and the European Union's new proposals for the regulation of large online platforms]. Grām.: Latvijas tautsaimniecība pandēmijas ēnā un pēckrīzes izrāviena iespējas. Rīga: LU Akadēmiskais apgāds, 2021. ISBN: 978-9934-18-687-5
  • Kucina I. “Tiesiskuma nodrošināšanas instrumenti Eiropas Savienības rīcībā  - līdzšinējie un jaunais papildinājums” [The tools for ensuring the rule of law at the disposal of the European Union - the existing ones and the new addition]. Grām.: Tiesības un tiesiskā vide mainīgos apstākļos. Rīga: Latvijas Universitāte, 2021. ISBN: 978-9934-18-679-0
  • Kucina I. “The German Constitutional Court’s Challenge to the Court of Justice of the European Union – Problems, Consequences, Possible Solutions: The PSPP Judgment of the German Constitutional Court of 5 May 2020”. In: The Future of Legal Europe: Will We Trust in It? Edtiors: Gavin Barrett, Jean – Philippe Rageade, Diana Wallis, Heinz Weil, Springer, 2021. ISBN: 978-3-030-68252-1
  • Kucina I. “Algotithms in Courts and Predictive Justice”. In: The Challenges of Digital Communication for the State and its Democratic State Form. Editors: Julia Iliopoulos – Srangas, Egils Levits, Michael Potacs, Jacques Ziller (eds.), Societas Iuris Publici Europaei (SIPE), 2021. ISBN: 978-3-8487-7986-4
  • Kucina I. Piezīmes par Latvijas tiesu lēmumiem K. Misānes civillietās par bērna atgriešanu no Latvijas uz Dienvidāfriku [Notes on the decisions of the Latvian courts in the civil cases of K. Misāne regarding the return of the child from Latvia to South Africa]. Jurista Vārds, 2020. gada 16.jūnijs, Nr.24/25.
  • Kucina I. Satricinājums Eiropas Savienības tiesību telpā [Upheaval in the legal space of the European Union]. Jurista Vārds, 2020. gada 25.maijs, Nr. 21.
  • Kucina I. Mākslīgais intelekts (algoritmi) tiesās un prognostisku lēmumu taisnīgums [Artificial intelligence (algorithms) in courts and fairness of prognostic decisions]. Jurista Vārds, 2019. gada 24.septembris, Nr.38.
  • Kucina I. “Enforcement or return decisions”. In: Manual. European seminar – Cooperation between the EU member states for the purposes of solving the civil cases regarding the wrongful removal or retention of a child. SITECH Publishing House. CRAIOVA, 2018. ISBN: 978-606-11-6637-4
  • Kucina I. “The structure of the judicial system”. In: The Law of the Baltic States. Editors: Kerikmäe, T., Joamets, K., Pleps, J., Rodiņa, A., Berkmanas, T., Gruodytė, E. (Eds.), 2017. ISBN: 978-3-319-54477-9
  • Kucina I. “Latvia”.  In: Cross-Border Litigation in Europe. Editors: Paul Beaumont, Mihail Danov, Katarina Trimmings,  Burcu Yüksel, Hart Publishing, 2017. ISBN: 9781782256786