Assistant professor
Dr. iur. Edmunds Broks
Vice Dean for Studies Director of the Professional Bachelor’s and Master’s Study Program “Pre-Trial Investigation”Courses: Public International Law; Institutional Law of the European Union; Substantive Law of the European Union; International Criminal Law and Criminal Procedure; International Environmental Law; Current Issues in Public International and EU Law; European Union and International Law Fundamentals.
Consultation times available here.
Research interests:
State Responsibility Law, Application of International and EU Law in National Courts, International Environmental Law, EU asylum rights.
Professional experience and achievements:
- University of Latvia, Faculty of Law / Institute of Legal Science, researcher in the Critical Understanding of Predictive Policing (CUPP) project (2020-2021);
- University of Amsterdam / Oxford University Press, researcher in the International Law in Domestic Courts project (2006-2021);
- Latvian Academy of Sciences / University of Latvia, researcher in the Doctrine of Continuity in the Context of Latvian History project (2016-2017).
- Broks, E., Beutel, J., Buka A., Schewe, C. Setting aside national rules that conflict EU law: how Simmenthal works in Germany and in Latvia? In: The 8th International Scientific Conference of the Faculty of Law of the University of Latvia. University of Latvia Press, 2022, pp.123-142.
- Broks, E., Buka, A. Application of the EU Law in Latvian Courts. Strani Pravni Zivot, 2021, p.569-577.
- Broks, E. The Idea of International Community. Latvijas Universitātes 77. starptautiskās zinātniskās konferences rakstu krājums, Rīga : LU Akadēmiskais apgāds, 2019, pp.325.-334.
- Broks E. Who May Sail the Arctic: Russia’s and EU’s Perspectives on the Legal Status of the Northern Sea Route. In: Russia and the EU: Spaces of Interaction (Hoffmann T., ed.,). Abingdon: Routledge, 2018, pp.207-222.
- Broks E. Valstu nepārtrauktība un starptautiskā atbildība: Latvijas prasījuma tiesības par PSRS veiktajiem starptautisko tiesību pārkāpumiem. Grām.: Nepārtrauktības doktrīna Latvijas vēstures kontekstā. Autoru kolektīvs: Jundzis T., (et al.). Rīga: LZA, 2017, pp. 76.-102.
- Broks E. Loss of the Right to Invoke Responsibility: Is Latvia Losing its Right to Claim Compensation from Russia? LU žurnāls Juridiskā zinātne, Nr.9, 2016, pp.150-163.
- Broks E. Constitutionalizing International Responsibility: Some Reflections on Attribution of Conduct and International Standing of Individuals. JF VI Starptautiskās konferences rakstu krājums „Konstitucionālās vērtības mūsdienu tiesiskajā telpā”, I krājums, Rīga: LU, 2016, pp.532.-546.
- Broks E. Evolution of the Public Law Paradigm in the Law of State Responsibility: from Origins to the 1930ties. Tiesību efektīvas piemērošanas problemātika: Latvijas Universitātes 72. zinātniskās konferences rakstu krājums. Rīga: LU Akadēmiskais apgāds, 2014, pp.421-428.
- Broks E. Protection of International Community Interests in the Law of State Responsibility. In: Jurisprudence and culture : past lessons and future challenges : the 5th International Scientific Conference of the University of Latvia dedicated to the 95th anniversary of the Faculty of Law of the University of Latvia, Rīga: LU Akadēmiskais apgāds, 2014, pp.343.-359.
Publications are available www.researchgate.net/profile/Edmunds-Broks.