Courses: Civil procedure and Intellectual property rights
Consultation times available here.
Research interests:
Copyright protection, Databases, Civil procedure issues, Family law and Labor law
Professional experience and achievements:
- Sworn advocate in the Latvian Bar Association since 1995
- Awarded with the Badge of Honor of the Justice System (II degree)
- Krūmiņš M. “Daži aspekti, kas var ietekmēt tiesu nolēmumus darba lietās” [Some aspects that can affect court rulings in labor cases]. Jurista Vārds, 14 May 2024/No. 20 (1338)
- Krūmiņš M. "Principi un to izmantošana civilprocesā" [Principles and their use in civil proceedings]. Jurista Vārds, 11 October 2022 / NO. 41 (1255)
- Krūmiņš M. “Par pierādījumu iesniegšanu, sagatavošanu un atgriešanu civilprocesā” [On the submission, preparation and return of evidence in civil proceedings]. Jurista Vārds February 8, 2022 / NO. 6 (1220)
- Krūmiņš M. “Grozījumi CPL: pagaidu aizsardzība pret vardarbību, personas rīcībspējas turpmāka pārbaude” [Amendments to the CPL: temporary protection against violence, further examination of a person's capacity to act]. Jurista Vārds 11 May 2021 /NO. 19 (1181)
- Krūmiņš M. “E-signature forms and their use in the process of proof” (pp. 82-88) Daugavpils University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Proceedings of International Scientific Conferences, “Social Science for Regional Development 2019”. (October 11-12, 2019) Part II Current Issues of State and Law), Published in 2020, Academic Publishing House “Saule”, Available: humanitiessocial.lv/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/SZF-krajums_II_Valsts-un-tiesibu-problemas_2020.pdf
- Co-author of the Commentary on Article 113. LR Satversmes komentāri VIII nodaļa Cilvēka tiesības [Commentary on the Constitution of the Republic of Latvia, Chapter VIII, Human Rights], 2011. Latvijas Vēstnesis, pages 679 – 693