Courses: Modern national private law, Legal mechanisms for private law dispute resolution
Consultation times available here.
Research interests:
Civil liability issues, contract law, commercial law, civil procedure, alternative dispute resolution legal mechanisms.
Professional experience and achievements:
- Partner, sworn advocate at SIA “Jāņa Kārkliņa zvērinātu advokātu birojs”
- Lecturer at several seminars for judges organised by the Latvian Judicial Training Centre
Key publications:
- Brants E. Piesardzības pasākumu nozīme, piemērojot civiltiesisko atbildību par deliktu. [The role of precautionary measures in application of tortious liability.] Book: New legal realities: challenges and solutions. I. Article collection of the 8th International Scientific Conference of the Faculty of Law of the University of Latvia. Riga: University of Latvia Press, 2022, p. 258-269.
- Brants E. Prasījumu tiesību cesijas izpratne un ar to saistītā problemātika. [Understanding cession of right to claim and issues thereof.] Book: Constitution of the Republic of Latvia ‑ 100. Article collection of the 80th International Scientific Conference of the University of Latvia. Riga: Academic Publishing House of the University of Latvia, 2022, p. 166-177.
- Brants E. Bezdarbība kā vainojamas rīcības izpausme deliktu tiesībās. [Omission as a form of fault in tort law.] Jurista Vārds, 22.06.2021., Nr. 25/26, p. 47-52.
- Brants E. Role of Foreseeability in Imposition of Civil Liability. Socrates. Riga Stradiņš University, Faculty of Law, electronic journal of legal scientific articles. Riga: RSU, 2021, No. 2 (20), p. 268-286.
- Brants E. Pierādīšanas nasta atbildības par vainojamu rīcību piemērošanā. [The burden of proof in determination of fault-based liability]. Book: Law and the legal environment in changing circumstances. Article collection of the 79th International Scientific Conference of the University of Latvia. Riga: University of Latvia Press, 2021, p. 154-166.
- Kārkliņš J., Brants E. Par Komerclikuma 172. panta sestajā daļā noteiktā trīs mēnešu termiņa juridisko dabu. [On the legal nature of the three-month time limit laid down in Article 172(6) of the Commercial Law.] Jurista Vārds, 27.10.2020., Nr. 43 (1153).
- Brants E. Vainas elementi līgumiskās atbildības piemērošanā. [Elements of fault in application of contractual liability.] Book: Application of international and European Union law in national courts. Article collection of the 78th International Scientific Conference of the University of Latvia. Riga: University of Latvia Press, 2020, p. 270-286.
- Brants E. Ļauna nolūka koncepts un tā konstatēšanas priekšnoteikumi saistību tiesībās. [Concept of wrongful intent and its preconditions in obligation law.] Book: Protection of the values enshrined in the Constitution: perspectives from different branches of law. Article collection of the 77th International Scientific Conference of the University of Latvia. Riga: University of Latvia Press, 2019, p. 215.-226.
- Kārkliņš J., Brants E. Negatīvā atzīšanas prasība civilprocesā. [Negative recognition claim in civil procedure.] Jurista Vārds, 28.03.2017., Nr. 13 (967), p. 22-31.