University Teacher

Dr. iur. Edijs Brants

Courses: Modern national private law, Legal mechanisms for private law dispute resolution

Consultation times available here.

Research interests

Civil liability issues, contract law, commercial law, civil procedure, alternative dispute resolution legal mechanisms.

Professional experience and achievements:

  • Partner, sworn advocate at SIA “Jāņa Kārkliņa zvērinātu advokātu birojs”
  • Lecturer at several seminars for judges organised by the Latvian Judicial Training Centre

Key publications:

  • Brants E. Piesardzības pasākumu nozīme, piemērojot civiltiesisko atbildību par deliktu. [The role of precautionary measures in application of tortious liability.] Book: New legal realities: challenges and solutions. I. Article collection of the 8th International Scientific Conference of the Faculty of Law of the University of Latvia. Riga: University of Latvia Press, 2022, p. 258-269.
  • Brants E. Prasījumu tiesību cesijas izpratne un ar to saistītā problemātika. [Understanding cession of right to claim and issues thereof.] Book: Constitution of the Republic of Latvia ‑ 100. Article collection of the 80th International Scientific Conference of the University of Latvia. Riga: Academic Publishing House of the University of Latvia, 2022, p. 166-177.
  • Brants E. Bezdarbība kā vainojamas rīcības izpausme deliktu tiesībās. [Omission as a form of fault in tort law.] Jurista Vārds, 22.06.2021., Nr. 25/26, p. 47-52.
  • Brants E. Role of Foreseeability in Imposition of Civil Liability. Socrates. Riga Stradiņš University, Faculty of Law, electronic journal of legal scientific articles. Riga: RSU, 2021, No. 2 (20), p. 268-286.
  • Brants E. Pierādīšanas nasta atbildības par vainojamu rīcību piemērošanā. [The burden of proof in determination of fault-based liability]. Book: Law and the legal environment in changing circumstances. Article collection of the 79th International Scientific Conference of the University of Latvia. Riga: University of Latvia Press, 2021, p. 154-166.
  • Kārkliņš J., Brants E. Par Komerclikuma 172. panta sestajā daļā noteiktā trīs mēnešu termiņa juridisko dabu. [On the legal nature of the three-month time limit laid down in Article 172(6) of the Commercial Law.] Jurista Vārds, 27.10.2020., Nr. 43 (1153).
  • Brants E. Vainas elementi līgumiskās atbildības piemērošanā. [Elements of fault in application of contractual liability.] Book: Application of international and European Union law in national courts. Article collection of the 78th International Scientific Conference of the University of Latvia. Riga: University of Latvia Press, 2020, p. 270-286.
  • Brants E. Ļauna nolūka koncepts un tā konstatēšanas priekšnoteikumi saistību tiesībās. [Concept of wrongful intent and its preconditions in obligation law.] Book: Protection of the values enshrined in the Constitution: perspectives from different branches of law. Article collection of the 77th International Scientific Conference of the University of Latvia. Riga: University of Latvia Press, 2019, p. 215.-226.
  • Kārkliņš J., Brants E. Negatīvā atzīšanas prasība civilprocesā. [Negative recognition claim in civil procedure.] Jurista Vārds, 28.03.2017., Nr. 13 (967), p. 22-31.