
Mg. iur. Alise Reide

Courses: Family law; Inheritance law; Legal writing and analysis; Theory and practice trends in family and inheritance law; Modern national private law

Consultation times available here.

Research interests

Family and inheritance law, Doctoral studies since 2019, the topic of the dissertation “Contracts in Inheritance Law”

Professional experience and achievements:

  • Coordinator of the Young Lawyers University (2019 – 2022)
  • Participated in the project “Excellence School” (2020-present)
  • Participated in the project “School2030” (2021)


  • Reide A. Kreditors mantojuma lietā [Creditor in Inheritance Case]. In: Admissibility and Justifiability of Restrictions of Rights in a Democratic State Governed by the Rule of Law. Article collection in legal science, the 81st international scientific conference of the University of Latvia. Riga: The University of Latvia Press, 2023, p.158.-166.
  • Reide A. Pēdējās gribas rīkojumu aprobežojumi [Restrictions of Last Will Instructions]. In: The Constitution of the Republic of Latvia – 100. Collection of research papers of the 80th International Scientific Conference of the University of Latvia. Riga: University of Latvia Press, 2022, p.110.-117.
  • Reide A. Mantojuma līguma sekas un to juridiskā daba [Consequences of an Inheritance Contract and Its Legal Nature]. In: Law and Legal Environment in Changing Circumstances. Collection of research papers of the 79th International Scientific Conference of the University of Latvia. Riga: University of Latvia Press, 2021, p.228.-234.
  • Reide A. Pēdējās gribas rīkojumi mantojuma tiesībās [Dispositions of Property Upon Death in Inheritance Law]. In: Application of the International and European Union law in the national courts. Collection of research papers of the 78th International Scientific Conference of the University of Latvia. Riga: University of Latvia Press, 2020, p.287.-294.
  • Reide A. Testatora patiesā griba un tās noskaidrošana [The true intent of the testator and its determination]. Jurista Vārds, Riga, 2019, No.33, p.18-31.