
Mg. iur. Aldis Laviņš

Courses: Civil Procedure; Family Law; Civil Law Internship

Consultation times available here.

Research interests

Civil Procedure; Effectiveness of the Courts; Family Law, Protection of Fundamental Rights and EU Law. 

Professional experience and achievements:

  • Judge of the Supreme Court (since 2008)
  • Judge of the Constitutional Court (2014-2024), President of the Constitutional Court (2014-2017; 2022-2024)
  • Member of the European Commission for Democracy through Law (Venice Commission) (2020-2024)
  • Awarded with the Honorary Badge of the Justice System (1st degree)


  • Lavins A. . Civilprocesa tiesības. Grām: Publiskās tiesības. Ievads. Sagatavojis autoru kolektīvs Inetas Ziemeles un Sanitas Osipovas zinātniskā redakcijā [Civil Procedure Law. Book: Public Law. Introduction. Prepared by the collective of authors in the scientific editorship of prof. I.Ziemele and S.Osipova]. Riga: Tiesu Namu Aģentūra, 2024.
  • Lavins A. Constitutional Identities in the European Union: from Emancipation towards Convergence. EUnited in Diversity II: The Rule of Law and Constitutional Diversity. International Conference – The Hague, the Netherlands 31 August-1 September 2023. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, 2024.
  • Lavins A. Tiesneša un advokāta lomas attīstība modernajā civilprocesā [Development of the Role of the Judge and the Lawyer in the Modern Civil Process]. Jurista Vārds, 2021, No. 36.
  • Lavins A. Civilprocesa likuma 58., 59., 60.nodaļas komentārs. Grām.: Civilprocesa likuma komentāri. II daļa (29.–60.1 nodaļa). Otrais papildinātais izdevums. Sagatavojis autoru kolektīvs prof. K. Torgāna un A. Laviņa zinātniskajā redakcijā [Commentaries of Civil Procedure Law chapter 58., 59., 60. Book: Commentaries on the Civil Procedure Law. Part II (Chapters 29-60.1). Second updated edition. Prepared by the collective of authors in the scientific editorship of prof. K. Torgans and A. Lavins]. Riga: Tiesu Namu Aģentūra, 2021.